Another post is here!
It's amazing how the time flies when you... really don't blog. My site says the last post I made was over 5 months ago; that's kinda scary. Aside from the usual reasons of lack of internet access and time to blog, the real reason is that I usually don't have anything to discuss. Or, more accurately, I don't take the time to post things on this site that mean something to me and that I would enjoy informing the world about such things. Perhaps sad, but it is true.
Nevertheless, this post will be about a quick recap of those 5 missing months and a look forward to more posts. I've finished my first semester back in school at UTD; 10 completed credit hours later and I come out of the Fall '06 semester that much closer to my graduation. Meanwhile, I continued to work at Starbucks; with the promotion to Shift Supervisor and all its responsibilities adding to the large reading/writing load that was my school work. The insurance claim for the Starbucks accident in April '06 still isn't finished; without too much detail, let's just say I had to involve a lawyer who is making steady, if slow, progress towards a final settlement. This is probably another lesson from God about patience and perseverence; I just hope I can learn it this time around and move on to the next 'adventure' He has planned. Katie and I are moved into the garage apartment at my parents' house; the electrical wiring has yet to be completed, but the place is in great shape otherwise and a vast improvement from our old space. Let's see... that about wraps it up.
My next semester involves continued work at Starbucks with 12 more credit hours at UTD to tackle. I'm taking courses in World History: 1500 - Present, Early Modern European History, Linguistics, and Topics in Latin American and Asian History: Chinese Religions. A fairly wide spread of topics to be sure, but fortunately none that initially seem boring in the least. Hopefully a full load of credits in the Fall semester and I'll graduate with a B.A. in History in December of '07. From there, well, it remains to be seen, but I'm trying to cast 'feeders' towards alternative teaching certifications, including Teach for America and Region 10.
Since it's almost 2:30 a.m. here and I'm barely awake, this post will be cut short. More posts will come, though probably not before the January 8, 2007 start of Spring Semester classes. For the very few that read this blog, this could come as a welcome relief. Or just a nice change of pace.
Nevertheless, this post will be about a quick recap of those 5 missing months and a look forward to more posts. I've finished my first semester back in school at UTD; 10 completed credit hours later and I come out of the Fall '06 semester that much closer to my graduation. Meanwhile, I continued to work at Starbucks; with the promotion to Shift Supervisor and all its responsibilities adding to the large reading/writing load that was my school work. The insurance claim for the Starbucks accident in April '06 still isn't finished; without too much detail, let's just say I had to involve a lawyer who is making steady, if slow, progress towards a final settlement. This is probably another lesson from God about patience and perseverence; I just hope I can learn it this time around and move on to the next 'adventure' He has planned. Katie and I are moved into the garage apartment at my parents' house; the electrical wiring has yet to be completed, but the place is in great shape otherwise and a vast improvement from our old space. Let's see... that about wraps it up.
My next semester involves continued work at Starbucks with 12 more credit hours at UTD to tackle. I'm taking courses in World History: 1500 - Present, Early Modern European History, Linguistics, and Topics in Latin American and Asian History: Chinese Religions. A fairly wide spread of topics to be sure, but fortunately none that initially seem boring in the least. Hopefully a full load of credits in the Fall semester and I'll graduate with a B.A. in History in December of '07. From there, well, it remains to be seen, but I'm trying to cast 'feeders' towards alternative teaching certifications, including Teach for America and Region 10.
Since it's almost 2:30 a.m. here and I'm barely awake, this post will be cut short. More posts will come, though probably not before the January 8, 2007 start of Spring Semester classes. For the very few that read this blog, this could come as a welcome relief. Or just a nice change of pace.